Online Mapping: how to analyze, visualize and build apps with your geospatial data

– Workshop

Monday 16 September, 17:15 – 18:15 @ Room 19, Floor 3

Coordinator: Sergio Alvarez LeivaCartoDB / Vizzuality

Maps are one of the most popular forms of data visualizations. Open Source CartoDB allows you to quickly build maps on the web that change dynamically when data updates. The workshop will focus on the following aspects.
  • Introduction to CartoDB. From data to a map in minutes. Basics of SQL and CartoCSS for non-developers.
  • Visualizing geo-temporal data. Most data happens somewhere and at some particular time. This new type of visualization allow you discover new trends on data and tell new stories
  • Building apps. We will go through some use cases where you want to build applications with a geospatial backend like CartoDB.
  • Advance geospatial operations. We will look at some of the most common geospatial operations that any data scientist or GIS experts will want to do on the cloud.


The workshop space can accommodate up to 15 people. To sign-up, express your interest in the topic and/ or get in touch with the coordinators please write to
[email protected]


  1.  גם יוסף נוסע לכנס OKCon בז'נווה מטעם הסדנא לידע ציבורי - הסדנא לידע ציבורי
  2.  כנס OKCon / היום הראשון - יוסף ויסמן - הסדנא לידע ציבורי

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