At a house party, the kitchen almost always is the place to be – that’s where all the good stuff is coming from, the source where things start, the place where things happen! At the Open Knowledge Conference that’s the HackSpace: the place where things get done, and it’s right behind the bar!
The OKCon HackSpace is the place to work after the workshop, to get key ideas from a keynote actually implemented, to work on code, to work on the last slides for your presentation, to just get things done, together. The space has excellent Wifi, more than enough power outlets, grouped chairs and tables, some whiteboards and a big screen, and no formal schedule. It’s right around the corner from the bar, quiet, and decorated all in red leather. Really.
So you need a desk for a group to work on an idea: just come. Want to have some time to close some issues on Github, to fix and push some code: just come. Want to get expert advice, want to find somebody with a very specific skill? Come! Want to show off a project of yours? Or maybe you have to make an announcement: There’s a very relaxed unconference-style schedule at the entrance, managed by some local community members: come, get your name on the roster, and get the word out!
The Law Mining Hackdays are taking place here Tuesday and Wednesday – talk to Christian Laux, Oleg Lavrovsky, or Jean-Henry Morin! – and some important Open Transport Data work is scheduled to take place here as well – talk to Pieter Colpaert for more on that. For all other questions: please get in touch with us: [email protected]!